We use cutting-edge LASER technologies in all dental surgeries.
LASER reaches difficult areas without trauma, guaranteeing the best results and providing revolutionary advantages over conventional dentistry namely:
✓Superior and uneventful healing
✓No postoperative discomfort and swelling
✓Painless, bloodless and clean surgical field
✓Reduced risk of infection because LASER kills all bacteria
✓No scarring
✓Almost no medication prescribed
✓Used on Compromised patients
✓Safe on pregnant women, and pacemaker patients
Our surgical services include:
- Extraction
- Laser-assisted Gingivectomy – Gingivoplasty
- Laser-assisted Frenectomy
- Dental Implants
- Bone Graft
- Gingival Graft
- Laser-assisted Crown Lengthening
- Laser-assisted Pocket Cleaning