Snoring, Sleep Apnea

We use the most revolutionary laser technology that requires no medication, no surgery and no anesthesia to improve the quality of your sleep. Fotona’s NightLase® therapy is a non-invasive, patient-friendly and safe laser treatment that reduces the effects of sleep apnea and decreases the amplitude of snoring by means of a gentle, laser-induced tightening effect caused by the contraction of collagen in the oral mucosa tissue.

A full course of NightLase® consists of three separate treatment sessions over a six week period. Each session takes about twenty minutes and is done two weeks apart.

No post operative pain is reported and immediate results are witnessed from day 1 (average snoring reduction of 50%).

The final results of the treatment last up to a year, after which the therapy can be repeated.

Our patients found NightLase® to be a highly comfortable and satisfying solution. It requires no device to be worn during sleep and involves no chemical treatment. It’s a gentle and easy way to regain a good night’s rest.

ps: We recommend a consultation and sleep study with an ENT or qualified sleep medicine Physician before treatment.
